Professional Development Provider Registration Form
This registration is for entities already approved to provide Professional Development in Illinois. If you are interested in becoming an approved provider, please review the IL State Professional Provider Requirements and Application .
Provider Information
Please be sure the Name exactly matches the one assigned to the RCDT code.
Provider Name is required.
RCDTS Code is required.
Address Line 1
Provider Address is required.
Address Line 2 (Optional)
City is required.
Please provide a valid state.
Zip (5 digit)
A 5 digit Zip code is required.
Were you approved through the application process or are you statutorily approved?
If statutorily, please choose which best describes you.
Contact Person 1
Provider name is required.
Valid last name is required.
Please enter a valid email address.
Phone Number is required and must be in the format ###.###.####.
Contact Person 2 (Optional)
Phone Number must be in the format ###.###.####.
Activity Information
Do you charge for any of your PD activities? (Yes or No)
On average, how many professional development activities do you provide each year? (excluding AAs)
Check box if you offer online/on demand PD opportunities.
Current Professional Development/Learning Management System
Check box if you currently have a professional development system or learning management system that allows users to search and register for professional development opportunities.
Check box if you are under contract for use of your current system.
--> Submit Form for Review
Thank you for registering!
Illinois State Board of Education staff will review your registration and you will receive a confirmation email within two weeks. If you are not found in our database, your registration will be denied, and you will be sent steps to follow to become an Illinois Approved Professional Development Provider.