Cosmewtology facility license renewal

There is a Newer Version of the Website Available to view it click the Link Below

Kansas Board of Cosmetology

KBOC License Renewal Options

Option One
Online Renewal

For Practitioner Online Renewals, click on this Link:

For Establishment Online Renewals, click on this Link:

  1. Click the link above.
  2. Click Forgot Password for the first time you log in to the new system. You will be prompted to enter your Account Email and SSN, or FEIN for establishments, on record on the next screen)
  3. Check your email for 6-digit verification code
  4. Follow prompts to update your password
  5. Log in with your email and password
  6. Complete renewal for appropriate license
  7. Pay by credit card, debit card, or electronic check
  8. Print or save your confirmation page*
  9. Repeat the process for any additional licenses in renewal

*If you did not get to the confirmation page, you did not renew.

**Instructors and Body Art Practitioners: As a courtesy, when renewing online, please upload your continuing education documentation as it appears on your certificates. Thank you for your consideration.

Option Two
Submit by Email- PDF Fillable Forms

A PDF reader program is required to use the forms and applications contained on the Forms an Applications page. You must open the form or application within the PDF reader program for the form or application to work as intended. If you do not have this application installed on your computer, a free version can be downloaded by clicking the following link:

After confirming that you have a PDF reader application, click on this Link:

  1. Click the applicable renewal form and open the form within the PDF reader application.
  2. Type your information into the fillable fields.
  3. Go to the Board website:
  4. Select Payment Portal from the Top Menu Bar
  5. Select the applicable transaction item (refer to your form)
  6. Upon completion of your payment, you will receive a receipt via email
  7. Record your Order ID # from your receipt in the field on your form marked “Order ID”
  8. Save your completed form
  9. Open your email application
  10. Attach the document to your email
  11. Send the email to the applicable staff person (refer to your form) or

Option Three
Submit by Mail

  1. Click the applicable renewal form below and open the form. (Renewal forms are also on the Forms and Applications page.)
  2. Print the form.
  3. Complete the form.
  4. Make Check or Money Order Payable to the Kansas Board of Cosmetology for the fee amount owed (refer to form) or Navigate to the Board’s online payment portal to process a credit card payment see steps 4-7 under option two.
  5. Mail form and payment to the Board office:

Kansas Board of Cosmetology
714 SW Jackson Street, Suite 100
Topeka, KS 66603

If you are unable to read any of the information contained on this website, please contact the Kansas Board of Cosmetology. We will be happy to assist you.

714 SW Jackson, Jayhawk Walk Building, Suite 100, Topeka, Kansas
Phone: (785) 296-3155 * Fax (785) 296-3002 * Email