Acceptable Proof of Identity for Passport Applications

proof of identity for passport application.

Submitting acceptable proof of identity is one of the requirements when applying for a passport. There are both primary and secondary proofs of identity that you can submit. Both are listed below. Note, you also have to present a photocopy of the identification document that you submit.

Primary Proof of Identity

You can present any of the following documents as primary evidence of identification. Documents that are considered to be primary proof of identification stand alone and do not require the presentation of multiple documents. That is not the case with secondary evidence. If possible, presenting this type of proof makes the application process much easier.

If you apply at a Passport Application Acceptance Facility and submit an out-of-state primary identification, you also have to present an additional ID document. For example, if you apply in Arizona with a Texas Driver's License, you must present an additional ID.

Secondary Proof of Identity

Social Security Cards serves as seconday proof of identification.

If you are unable to present primary proof of identification, you must submit a combination of secondary identification documents. The information below will help you determine what documents to submit as secondary identification. Each application is handled on a case-by-case basis.