Commercial Rental Lease Agreement Templates

The commercial lease agreement is a notorious real estate form frequently carried out by those who would like to rent space to use for their business interest. It allows the owner of the property and the party interested in buying to record how the tenancy will transpire. Significant details relative to the sale will include the length of time the tenant will have the right to occupy the premises, what structure will be used to pay the expenses (gross, modified gross, triple net), and whether or not there will be an option to renew. Typically, these matters will be discussed by the two (2) parties or their agents prior to the contract’s execution. If both sides can come to an agreement on the terms, the contract may then be signed to secure a binding arrangement. (It is highly suggested that all signatures be performed while under the observation of a notarial figure for certification purposes.)

Commercial Rental Application – When considering a prospective tenant, the landlord of a commercial property should seek the security of a low-risk candidate for the occupancy. One way to gather data on a possible lessee is to evaluate via a rental application. This instrument can obtain specifics about them that are related to their previous rental locations, income generated, and credit history for the purpose of demonstrating their worthiness to rent.

By State

By Type

Booth (Salon) Rental Agreement – A form used to document the renting of a small space within a larger commercial property, specifically used for those carrying out services related to the massage and cosmetology fields.

Booth (Massage) Rental Agreement – Allows the lessor, usually the proprietor of a business that offers massage services, to lease a portion of a larger property to the lessee who will be using the area to conduct therapeutic services for a fee.

Garage (Parking) Rental Agreement – A consolidated outline of the rights and expectations associated with the rental of a parking space to store a vehicle.

Facility Event Space Rental Agreement – Assigned paperwork that transcribes the pertinent information of an accord to rent out space to be used for an event or party.

Office Space Lease Agreement – A valid contract to record the corroborating details concerning a rental property (or segment of a rental property) for a company’s office needs.

Triple-Net (NNN) Lease Agreement – A type of commercial lease where the tenant is responsible for paying the rent as well as all the property’s additional expenses, e.g. taxes, building maintenance, and insurance.

Commercial Sublease Agreement – A register presented as a source to transcribe the particulars of a lease where a tenant wishes to transfer their rights to occupy the premises to a subtenant.

What is Commercial Property?

Unlike residential property where the main goal is to live on the premises, commercial property’s main function is to accommodate a business’s operational needs. But, not all real estate can be converted to commercial property, it must be located within a certain area that is zoned accordingly. Also, there are different kinds of zoning for the different types of commercial properties. The main types being:

(Retail and office properties are commonly zoned under the same category, whereas industrial space is zoned under a separate classification.)

What is a Commercial Lease?

Before getting involved in the rental of commercial space, whether you are a landlord or tenant, it is imperative that you have a basic understanding of the corresponding lease agreement. The first thing that you should be aware of is the different types of lease structures in terms of how the expenses are handled. These being:

How to Lease Commerical Space

The process of leasing commercial real estate is more intricate than renting out a residence. That is why most people in the industry recommend that any owners of commercial space should hire the services of a real estate agent who specializes in this field (their commission fees will usually run from 3-6% of the total lease payments during the initial term). With that being said, it is not an impossible endeavor to try to lease the premises yourself. If this interests you, refer to the steps below to help guide you through the process of leasing your own commercial property.

Step 1 – Determine What the Rent Will Be

What is the value of your property? To answer this question, you are going to want to:

Step 2 – Advertising the Property

Now that you have a price in mind, it is time that you properly market the property in order to find a tenant to occupy the space. You may want to consider: