Health Care Administrative Rules (HCAR)

Health Care Administrative Rules” or “HCAR” mean the collection of regulations adopted by the Agency of Human Services that govern the administration of Vermont Medicaid, including general provisions, eligibility, benefit delivery, covered services, reimbursement, specialized services, beneficiary rights, and provider responsibilities. On this page you will find adopted and proposed rules.

Adopted Rules

The Agency of Human Services is undertaking a comprehensive revision of Medicaid rules across the Agency. All Medicaid rules will be amended and adopted under the title of Health Care Administrative Rules (HCAR). Amendments to rule may include changes to policy and operations, as well as formatting and organization. This is a multi-year process, and during this transition phase, some Medicaid rules will remain under the Department of Vermont Health Access (DVHA) Medicaid Covered Services Rules (7100 - 7700), while other rules will be adopted in the new HCAR collection of Medicaid rules.

Click the HCAR Adopted Rules icon above to see the HCAR Crosswalk document and the Table of Contents. These can be used to help determine whether a Medicaid rule is in the new HCAR format (1.100 - 9.100) or, for the time being, remains in the existing Medicaid Covered Services format (7100 - 7700).

HCAR Proposed Rules

Click the HCAR Proposed & Final Proposed Rules icon above to find all proposed and final proposed rules. (Once rules are adopted, the proposed rules will be removed from this section. Click on the HCAR Adopted Rules icon above to see a list of adopted rules.)

To submit a public comment on any proposed rule during a public comment period, please email the Agency of Human Services' Medicaid Policy Unit at . Or send written comments to:

Medicaid Policy Unit
Agency of Human Services
280 State Drive, Center Building
Waterbury, VT 05671-1000

For more information about a proposed or final proposed rule, please visit the Global Commitment Register (GCR) public notice that corresponds with the rule. The GCR public notice includes a summary of the proposed rule and date of public hearing.

Information about proposed rules can also be found on the Secretary of State's Proposed Rule Postings website.