Adopt-A-Highway (AAH) is an MDOT program designed to help keep the state's highway roadsides clean and attractive. Participants adopt both sides of a section of state highway roadside to clean up for at least a two-year period. A minimum two-mile stretch of roadway is recommended. All types of state highways may be adopted, including two-lane roads, limited access highways, boulevards and business routes.
Since 1990, AAH local groups have collected over a million bags of trash. Currently 2,900 groups are participating in the program and have adopted over 6,000 miles of Michigan highways.
Media Inquiries
Dan Weingarten | 906-485-6322 ext. 136
Media Representative
April 13-21 (Lower Peninsula)
May 18-26 (Upper Peninsula)
July 13-21 (statewide)
Sept 21-29 (statewide)
Every year, civic-minded AAH volunteers collect more than 60,000 bags of trash from Michigan's roadsides. These volunteers are making a difference in their communities, as well as helping MDOT crews keep the roads clean and safe.
Participants are required to conduct a safety meeting before each pickup and wear an MDOT-provided safety vest while working along the roadside.
The Michigan Sponsor-A-Highway Program provides civic-minded businesses the opportunity to sponsor professional litter removal services on designated state highways. In return, sponsors are recognized with Federal Highway Administration approved full-color signs featuring their company name and logo.
Participating in the Michigan Sponsor-A-Highway Program gives companies the opportunity to be recognized for their contributions to the local community and the environment. The program also provides for cleaner highways and allows MDOT to use funds allocated for litter removal to improve Michigan's roads.
To speak to someone about sponsoring litter removal on Michigan highways, contact: